888-770-1991 documents@qkserv.com


Why hire a Process Server over a Sheriff?

If the rule in the state you are serving in allows it, a Process Server should always be used. Results of service are measured by various factors; Range and Speed of Service, Effective Service, Customer Service and Cost.

Range and Speed of Service

  • Sheriffs are appointed by county and have no jurisdiction outside their county of appointment. Since a Process Server is not restricted to service in a particular county, you can ensure that your papers are properly served across county lines. With a process server, you can engage a single party for serving of various papers throughout the state and avoid delays in service when an address correction requires a paper be served in a county other than that of the original address.
  • Sheriff’s offices have many priorities with process serving as only one of the components and thus can have significant delays in effecting service. Serving of legal documents is the ONLY priority of a Process Server. A Process Server gives each document the immediate attention required to address time sensitive services and provide timely communication of service matters with the attorney and client.

Effective Service

  • Sheriff’s office servers are civil employees who generally attempt service of documents between normal business hours. Private Process Servers generate greater “In-Hand” results for each service. A Process Server has flexibility with delivery attempts and times to ensure that the special circumstances of each service are addressed.

Customer Service- “Going the extra mile”

  • Sheriffs get paid regardless of the outcome of the service and have no incentive to “go the extra mile” when serving a paper. A sheriff will make minimal attempts at knocking or ringing a bell, and if no one answers the paper is simply returned with an affidavit of non-service. A Process Server is inherently motivated to go the extra mile and achieve optimal results for each service. The Process Server’s business and reputation is dependent on thorough service of every document. When there is no answer at a delivery address, a professional Process Server will investigate an address with neighbors, perform an internet investigation where possible or confirm an address with the local town hall authorities to achieve successful results.
  • Sheriff’s office servers do not provide their cell phone numbers or maintain an open line of communication with clients. You can always directly reach your Process Server with questions and to address service alternatives as they arise.


  • Sheriffs’ office rates are often mandated by state or county and are usually broken down by components (printing, copying, notarizing, # of attempts, etc.) that can quickly add up to a significant fee. Process Servers do not have mandated rates and have the flexibility to set their own rates in accordance to each particular service. A Process Server’s agreed to rate will result in no surprise fees or disappointments with service.
  • Sheriffs get paid regardless of the outcome of the service and multiple attempts or changes to a service will result in a new charge. A Process Server’s flexibility with times of service along with the motivation to achieve optimal results at the first service attempt, minimizes the need for additional service attempts. In the long run, engaging a Process Server can be more cost effective than sending your documents to the Sheriffs.

Whether you are serving papers in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island or Southern New Hampshire, QUICKSERV Allstate Process Servers is the professional Process Serving company that delivers successful service of process with its client needs in mind.


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